
Showing posts from March, 2023

5 Intriguing Travel Destinations You've Never Heard Of

Did you know  that there is a small village in Norway called Longyearbyen, where dying is actually prohibited? The reason for this is that the permafrost in the area is so cold that bodies buried there do not decompose, and as a result, they can still contain diseases that could potentially spread to the living. Therefore, if someone is terminally ill in Longyearbyen, they are flown out to the mainland to spend their final days. Did you know that there is a remote island off the coast of Brazil called Ilha da Queimada Grande, which is home to one of the world's deadliest snakes, the golden lancehead viper? This venomous snake, which is endemic to the island, is so dangerous that the Brazilian government has made it illegal for anyone to visit the island, except for a few select researchers who have special permission. Did you know that there is a town in Japan called Nagoro, where there are more scarecrows than humans? The town's population has been declining for years, a

Travel on a Budget: Where to Go and How to Save Money

Are you looking to travel on a budget without sacrificing your experience? You're in luck! With some budget-friendly tips and tricks, you can make the most of your travel budget. Keep reading for some budget-friendly facts, figures, and destinations to consider for your next trip Travel budget facts and figures: According to a survey by Budget Direct, the average daily cost of travel for an Australian is AUD 230. This includes accommodation, food, transportation, and activities. Lonely Planet recommends a daily budget of AUD 60-100 for budget travel in Europe, AUD 30-50 for budget travel in the Americas, and AUD 25-50 for budget travel in Asia. You can save money on accommodations by staying in hostels, guesthouses, or Airbnb rentals. You can also find affordable accommodations by booking in advance or traveling during the off-season. While budgeting keep in mind that food is often a significant expense when traveling.  Europe Europe can be an expensive destination, but there are

How to Travel the World When You're a Lazy Bugger

Do you dream of travelling the world, but can't seem to be arsed to get off your backside and make it happen? Do you find yourself scrolling through Insta, gawking at your mates' travel snaps while you lounge around in your trackies? Believe it or not, travelling doesn't have to be a right faff. In fact, it can be surprisingly easy and enjoyable, even for those of us who can't be bothered to move from the sofa. Here are a few tips and tricks to help you kickstart your wanderlust and start exploring the world, one lazy step at a time. Start small:  If the idea of planning an entire international trip feels like too much effort, start small. Take a weekend break to a nearby city or plan a day trip to a local attraction. By starting small, you can ease yourself into the travel mindset and build up your confidence for bigger trips in the future. Make it easy:  When planning your travels, focus on simplicity and convenience. Choose destinations with easy transport options a

Solo travel: A growing trend among women and millennials

Are you tired of waiting around for friends to plan a trip or waiting for your schedules to align? Solo travel might be the perfect solution. Not only is it a great way to explore the world on your own terms, but it's also becoming increasingly popular among women and millennials. Anyone born between 1981 and 1996 is considered a millennial. According to a study by the Solo Travel Society, over 70% of solo travellers are women. Additionally, a survey by HostelWorld found that solo bookings increased by a whopping 42% between 2015 and 2017. This trend is especially prevalent among millennials and Gen Z travellers, with 40% of global travellers planning to take a solo trip in the coming year, according to a 2018 survey by While solo travel can be an incredible experience, safety is a top concern for many solo travellers. In the same survey, 56% of solo travellers said that safety was their primary concern, with many citing concerns about crime, harassment, a

Traffic, Toilets, and Tourism: How These Three Factors Determine the Best Places to Visit

Tourism, traffic, and toilets might not be the first things that come to mind when you think of factors that determine a good country to visit or live in, but they are certainly important. Let's take a closer look at how these three seemingly unrelated things can impact the overall quality of life in a country. First up, tourism. We all know how exciting it is to visit a new country and explore its culture, natural wonders, and attractions. But did you know that a country with a thriving tourism industry can also indicate a healthy economy and a strong commitment to promoting its assets? A good tourism industry can provide jobs and boost the local economy, and it can also reflect a country's ability to offer top-notch services and attractions. Next, traffic. Good traffic infrastructure might not be the most glamorous thing, but it is essential for a well-functioning society. Efficient transportation networks, including well-maintained roads, public transportation, and airport

Flight Myths: The Truth About Finding Affordable Airfare

Finding cheap flights can seem like a daunting task, but with the right tools and strategies, it's definitely possible. However, there are some myths about finding cheap flights that need to be busted. Myth #1: Booking on certain days of the week will get you the best deals. Many people believe that booking flights on a certain day of the week will get them the best deals, but this is not always the case. While some studies have shown that Tuesdays and Wednesdays are the best days to book flights, there is no definitive answer. In fact, prices can fluctuate from day to day and even hour to hour, so it's important to keep an eye on prices over a period of time. Myth #2: Clearing your browser history or using incognito mode will get you lower prices. This is a common myth, but it's not true. Airlines use sophisticated algorithms to set prices, and they don't base them on whether or not you've been searching for flights. Clearing your browser history or using incogni

Traveling for Faith: How Religion and Travel Shape Our World

Travel and religion go way back. Many religions require or encourage people to go on pilgrimages, which has led to the creation of sacred sites and booming travel industries around them. And, not only do these sites hold spiritual significance, they also bring in a lot of money. Millions of travellers visit religious sites each year, spending money on hotels, food, transportation, and souvenirs, all of which contribute to local economies. Religion and travel have a strong bond that's been around for centuries. It continues to shape the way we explore the world and discover new things about ourselves. Here are some figures on the economic impact of religious tourism in the four sacred places. Makkah, Saudi Arabia: The Hajj pilgrimage to Makkah generates billions of dollars for the Saudi Arabian economy each year. According to a 2018 report by Oxford Business Group, the Hajj contributed $12 billion to the Saudi economy in 2017. In addition, the Umrah, a smaller pilgrimage to Makkah