
Showing posts from February, 2023

5 Intriguing Travel Destinations You've Never Heard Of

Did you know  that there is a small village in Norway called Longyearbyen, where dying is actually prohibited? The reason for this is that the permafrost in the area is so cold that bodies buried there do not decompose, and as a result, they can still contain diseases that could potentially spread to the living. Therefore, if someone is terminally ill in Longyearbyen, they are flown out to the mainland to spend their final days. Did you know that there is a remote island off the coast of Brazil called Ilha da Queimada Grande, which is home to one of the world's deadliest snakes, the golden lancehead viper? This venomous snake, which is endemic to the island, is so dangerous that the Brazilian government has made it illegal for anyone to visit the island, except for a few select researchers who have special permission. Did you know that there is a town in Japan called Nagoro, where there are more scarecrows than humans? The town's population has been declining for years, a

Travel Beyond Yourself: The Global Impact of Tourism and Why It Matters

Travel isn't just about crossing borders or going from towns to the cities. It's also a major industry, responsible for generating trillions of dollars in economic activity each year. In 2019, the global travel and tourism industry contributed $8.9 trillion to the world's GDP and supported 330 million jobs and more than 1.4 billion people travelled internationally, which is nearly 20% of the world's population. So next time you plan a trip, remember that you're not just embarking on a personal adventure, but you're also part of a larger global community that values the benefits of travel and tourism. Whether you're traveling domestically or internationally, by taking that step outside, you're making a positive impact on the world. But travel isn't just about creating economic opportunities either - it also has the power to bring people together and foster understanding between different cultures. By experiencing new cultures and ways of life, you'

Discover the Charms of Central Europe: A Guide for Australian Tourists Visiting Germany, Austria, and Switzerland

Central Europe is a dream destination for many travellers, and for good reason. This region is home to breathtaking natural landscapes, historic cities, and vibrant cultures. If you're an Australian traveller planning to visit Germany, Austria, or Switzerland, here are some international travel tips that will make your trip more enjoyable and memorable. Get off the beaten path: While famous cities like Berlin, Vienna, and Zurich are certainly worth a visit, Central Europe has many hidden gems that are less crowded and just as charming. Consider exploring smaller towns and villages like Rothenberg ob der Tauber in Germany, Hallstatt in Austria, or Gruyeres in Switzerland. You'll be rewarded with stunning scenery and a chance to experience local culture in a more intimate way. Embrace the local cuisine: Central European cuisine is hearty and delicious, with dishes like schnitzel, sausages, and cheese fondue. Don't be afraid to try new foods and flavours. You might discover

Travel Photography and Rule of Thirds

Travel is an opportunity to discover new places, meet new people, and capture memories that will last a lifetime. As a travel photographer, it's important to create images that not only showcase the beauty of your destination, but also tell a story and capture the essence of the experience. One tool that can help you achieve this is the rule of thirds. In travel photography, the rule of thirds can be especially useful for capturing the essence of a location and telling a story through your images. For example, you might use the rule of thirds to position the horizon of a scenic landscape along one of the horizontal lines, or to align the subject of a portrait along one of the vertical lines. This creates a more dynamic and interesting image, as the eye is naturally drawn to the points of intersection. As you can see in the photo above the subject's shoulders point is at intersecting lines. It doesn't necessarily has to be shoulders at intersecting lines. It can be head or e

Famous Faces and Far-Off Places: The Inspiring Travels of the Rich and Famous

Travel has always been a source of inspiration and renewal, and this is especially true for some of the world's most famous figures. From actors and musicians to politicians and business leaders, these individuals have all embarked on journeys that have transformed their lives and careers in meaningful ways. Take, for example, the story of singer-songwriter Bob Dylan. In the early 1960s, Dylan took a trip to Europe that would change the course of his life and music forever. During his travels, Dylan was exposed to a wealth of new cultures, sounds, and ideas that would influence his writing and performances for years to come. He famously referred to his trip as a "religious experience," and the songs he wrote during this time – including "Blowin' in the Wind" and "The Times They Are a-Changin'" – would go on to become timeless classics. Another famous traveller was former U.S. President Barack Obama. During a trip to Kenya in the 1980s, Obama

Explore, Discover, Transform: The Adventure of a Lifetime Awaits You!

Feeling stuck in a routine? Want to add some excitement to your life? Then it's time to set your sights on adventure and hit the road! Traveling is the ultimate way to recharge your batteries and improve your mind, body, and soul. "Escape the Ordinary" - Say goodbye to the monotony of daily life and hello to new and thrilling environments. Whether you're strolling through a bustling city, lounging on a tropical beach, or trekking through the great outdoors, you'll be surrounded by a world of new sights, sounds, and experiences that will broaden your horizons and awaken your senses. "Education with a View" - Traveling is the ultimate classroom, where you can learn about different cultures, history, and ways of life. Expand your knowledge and gain a new appreciation for the world and its diverse community of people. "Get Moving, Feel Great" - Traveling is not just good for your mind, but for your body too. Whether you're scaling mountains